
Saturday, October 26, 2013

#115 - Even More Finishing of Projects

Gossamer strands writhe
 On Sunlit fluttering wings
Child's warm smile

Warning:  No poetry past this point.  You have been warned.

Today is Saturday, October 26.

Today we took my daughter to "The Boo at the Zoo".  L got to be a pony at last, specifically, Rainbow Dash.  She had a blast and I got a large dose of allergies.

Here is my daughter and wife.  My wife designed the costume and I made it all, excepting the wings, we purchased those.

I am writing this at 10:47 at night because I haven't posted in a few days.  If it wasn't for that, I would have put this off for a few more.  My allergies make me feel like a zombie.

Its amazing how one feels after completing projects.  The costume is done and a pay-it-forward gift was completed tonight as well.  I cut out pieces for my wife's shirt that I will be making in the next few days, and pinned a blanket.  It has been a good day.  Time for some benedryl and claritin.  If anyone has any suggestions on allergy remedies pertaining to Redwood pollen and duff, please leave a comment.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

#114 - Completion

Finishing projects
One at a time, completion,
Finally all done

Warning:  There is no poetry past this point.  You have been warned.

Today is Tuesday, October 22.

I finished a number of projects today.  I completed a cross stitch for my wife, my daughters costume, and cleaned my office.

Feeling good, but tired.

Time to go to bed.


Till tomorrow,


Monday, October 21, 2013

#113 - Grey

Contrasting details
Of our black and white lifetimes 
All are shades of grey

Warning:  There is no poetry past this point.  You have been warned.

Today is Monday, October 21.  

Today we are highlighting Haiku Heights prompt of the week.  This week's prompt is grey.

This is going to be a short post because I am sick.  I'll tell you a story tomorrow.

Till tomorrow,


Sunday, October 20, 2013

#112 - Jack O' Lanterns

Happy masks smile
Laughing children run around
Tricking and treating
Warning:  There is no poetry past this point.  You have been warned.

Today is Sunday, October 20.  Today my family went to the pumpkin patch.

My wife loves to go to the farm and pick your own...whatever.  I do to, by the way, so this not something that I do just for the benefit of my wife.  Where we used to live, there wasn't many pumpkin patches and here on the North Coast, pumpkins are not, would you say, native.  

So there isn't many farms growing pumpkins or pick your own pumpkin patches.  Today we went to one of the two pumpkin patches here in the North Coast.  We drove about 20 minutes and made it to this farm that let you ride on a hay ride out to a pumpkin field, that was, by the time we got there, pretty much picked over.  You get your pumpkin and bring it back to the cashier.  

We bought three pumpkins for approximately 8 dollars and tonight we carved pumpkins.  I posted a picture below of my daughter's, wife's, and my jack o'lanterns.  


I have spoken with my wife about this for a while.  If I can ever get good enough credit and enough down payment, we are going to buy a farm so that we can have an Easter Egg Hunt, Pumpkin Patch/Harvest Fair/Halloween Fair, and a Christmas Tree farm.  This is my utmost dream.  Here's hoping.  

 Till tomorrow,


Friday, October 18, 2013

#111 - Oh the weekends

Lighted eyes of old
Peer through dead lidless hollows,
Viscous jowls jeer.

Warning:  There is no poetry past this point.  You have been warned.

Today is Friday, October 18.  Today is Friday.  Tomorrow is the weekend, and, for once, I am not working on the weekend.  There's a great 80's song about Working for the Weekend...I'd sing it, but I do not think anyone wants me to do that.

Tomorrow, my wife is going yarn shopping at an invitation only clearance sale at our local yarn shop.  While she is doing that, my daughter and I will be chasing pigeons.

Sunday we will carve pumpkins.

A fun time will be had by all.

Till tomorrow,


Thursday, October 17, 2013

#110 - Where does Daddy live?

My Priorities?
Nights wasted away from you.
Daddy, please come home.

Warning:  There is no poetry past this point.  You have been warned.

Today is Thursday, October 17.  Today my daughter broke my heart.

As always, I take care of my daughter during the morning to let my wife sleep.  When it was time for me to go to work, my daughter said that it wasn't fair.  This didn't break my heart.  I know that I work a lot, but my real world job is what keeps a roof over my and my families head.  Writing blog posts/poetry doesn't do it, and playing with my two year old doesn't either.  So I am used to her crying when I leave or saying that it wasn't fair that her daddy had to go instead of "playing stickers."

But today was different.  Today my daughter was playing a game with my wife and I.  She was telling us where all her friends and relations lived.  When she came to me, "Daddy," I lived at work.

I live at work.

I live at work.

What am I telling my daughter by "living" at work.  I just don't understand.  I have to take care of my family.  I have to support them.  I have to be a father. 

Everyone needs a balance.  I just don't know where mine is.

Till tomorrow,


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

#109 Lost in Space

Lost amongst others,
 Full of bravado and hope,
The man steps blindly 

Warning:  There is no poetry past this point.  You have been warned.

Today is Wednesday, October 16.  Today was another day on the road. 

I made a mistake today.  I assumed that my location would be in a normal location, but no it wasn't.  I needed to go to Smith River today.  Look it up, its in Northern California off of the 101.  The problem is, on the map it looks like it is right off the 101, in reality it is about 15 miles off of the 101.

This isn't the first time this has happened.  Earlier this year I had to go to Glide, Oregon from Northern California.  I missed the turn off for Glide and was in Bend, Oregon, before I had to turn around.  Again, look it up on Google.

So to say that I get lost easily is an understatement. 

Here's to hoping I get some sort of directional sense.

Till tomorrow,


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

#108 Neither Here nor There

Contrails leave the mists
Of a thousand shifting dreams
Neither here nor there

Warning: There is no poetry past this point.  You have been warned.

Today is Tuesday, October 15.  Today has been a day of choices and changes.

In my Real World Job, I utilize and manage others to get things done.  Today I have decided to change the way in which those people are managed.  I cannot stand meetings.  Meetings, I was told once, are what happens when supervisors don't know what to do next.  And I agree.  Every night is a new meeting it seems, I am fed up with them.

I am beginning a process where these meetings will occur virtual.  No more board rooms, more like forums.

I spent the morning with my daughter and then I was on the road for the rest of the day.  I cam home in time to have dinner with my wife and then write my post.  When you spend the day on the road by oneself you would think that but not really.

Till tomorrow,


Monday, October 14, 2013

#107 - Rat Race

Puffy whiteness form
The thoughts of child's summer
Animals abound
Warning:  There is no poetry past this point.  You have been warned.

Today is Monday, October 14.  I have tried to write all weekend.  I have two or three poems to post, but when ever I finished the poem I didn't like it.  I will be posting a few poems to catch up, so please bare with my consistent inconsistency.

Today's Haiku Height's prompt is clouds, so I am posting a poem for it.

Everyday feels like I am living a rat race.  Never completing what I want or need, but completing enough to stay afloat.  Can one ever drown in incomplete thoughts?

My daughter is going through, what I would call, her terrible twos.  She gets so frustrated all the time, and the way she deals with the frustration is scratching my wife and myself.  Its terrible, but all three of us are working on it.

Till tomorrow,


Thursday, October 10, 2013

#105 and #106

Endless driving on
Yellow lines a-glistening 
Muted souls crushed

Mind rushing madness
Constrained, dash'd and broken.
Whistling rushes dance

Warning: There is no poetry past this point. You have been warned.

Today is Thursday, October 10.

I feel like all I do is run around from place to place getting nothing done.  I know this is not true because the parameters that I measure success are moving steadily closer to my goal, yet on a day to day basis nothing seems to go anywhere.


I have one belt to do to finish my daughters costume, pictures will definitely be posted of the costume on Friday.

Saturday is another conference, so expect more poetry about driving. 

Till tomorrow.


Monday, October 7, 2013

#103 and #104 - I Thought This Was 1 Daily Poem, Not Every Other Day

Running everywhere
Leaves everything frustrated,
Nothing completed

Computers crashed
Through binary minds unlocked
To many zeroes

Warning:  There is no poetry past this point.  You have been warned.

Today is Monday, October 7th.  I need to get better at this posting thing.

Yesterday was so long.  I tried to get a lot of things completed yesterday and got nothing done.  Today is seeming to do the same thing. 

The spinning wheel is not working properly.  My wife is worrying over my daughters costume.  We are almost done.  I will be posting pictures of it tomorrow.  Bare with it, it is handmade.

My work is going okay.  I got a call from my supervisor about excess use of work property.  I racked my brain about it for a good couple of hours.  He wasn't inferring that I was stealing or anything, but I do not like my word questioned.  Anyways, I finally figured out what happen.  We put on a new program and the unintended consequence was excess use of property.


Anyways,  time to work a couple more hours before I go to bed.

Till tomorrow,


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Poems 97 - 102


I owe you a few haiku poems.  Here are some poems for the last week that I have not been able to post anything.

Splitting the fires smoke
The Quiet Contemplation
Shatters completely

Deafening stillnes
Sink thoughts of ones wanderlust
Upon porous minds.

Heavy footsteps fall
Upon mannkinds muted ears,
Cry body's stillness.

Sing, the body Divinity,
Ones future secure.

Lifelong in longing
Awarded to ones full conscience
Not giving it back

Sleep, dreams unwanted
Revert the minds to nothingness
 Blossums flutter down.
Warning:  No poetry past this point.  You have been warned.

Today is Saturday, October 5.  It has been five days since my last post.  Since that post, i have come back from my Conference and completed a trial for an honor that I have sought since I was twelve.

I think that I have matured a bit from when I was 12, so when I wanted this award when I was 12 it was because I thought I deserved it.  Now I know that I do not deserve, but guess what, I am not giving it back.

I will post again tomorrow, but today, right now, I am tired. Sleep evaded me last night and I am going on 4 hours of sleep in the last 37 hours.

Good night.  Till tomorrow,
