
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Page Update -#161

Hello and welcome to Wednesday. Today is a day of Doctor's appointments. My new son is going in for his two week check up. He seems to be doing fine and he continues to grow. I am getting used to a few hours of sleep each night again.

I am helping my wife by taking one to two feelings each night so that she can get some sleep. So as you may have notice I'm obsessing over sleep, so today's poem is going to be about sleep, or in my messed up case, insomnia. How can one be soon tired and be unable to sleep?!

I will continue to be more regular with my posts. I am working on a Chapbook and would like it to be made available as an rebook shortly.

Till next time.



Elusive to get 
Within minutes purged and refined
Echoes of me 
Rebounding against seas 
Of mint chocolate chip ice cream
Unknown depths of time
Between 3am and infinity
I wait for it
Passive grasping of
Long blinks

Friday, October 23, 2015

Warning New Poem- #160

All about anyone 
Based by business
Cancerous cessation causes
Damaged dominant domiciles
Elongated entrapped electrodes 
Fornicating from fevered
Gashes, garders graded grossly,
Harvested harshly, hazardous 
Ironwoods irrelevant 
Just joined jacket
Keep kids crazy
Loved lost limits 
Most mundane music
Noxious ndomo knowing nothing
Of officious orifaces 
Pupated pundits 
Quake and quack
Riding riotous rodeos 
Sacrificed supremacy 
Through tired trouty traps
Unxious unclouded uncles
Veritable video visit 
Writhed wrongly, wildly
Xenophobic Xerox 
Yonder years 
Zero zone of zombies
Clustering my minds eye

New Arrival

Hello. Long time no post. I'd promise to go back to daily posts, but I cannot guarantee that. My son was born a week ago and that makes life super interesting right now.

I'm working on a Poetry Chapbook, but I'm not sure if anyone would want it.

I'll post with more information as it comes closer.

See you soon.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015


I'm still waiting for 
my life 
is so much better now that 
I'm going to run for the rest of the year before that the government of 
national reconciliation 
in my head. 
You are the only thing that would have to 
go back 
and I don't think 
that I have a great way 
for a few weeks of 
it was the best of them in your 
heart and I love you 
so much for the next two years of 
my life and death 
of your life and death
of a good day 
for a while 
I have a great way 
to get the same 

Warning:  There is no poetry past this point.  You have been warned.

It's August 8th, 2015. A lot has happened since the last time I posted anything. If I had followers, they are gone. 

It doesn't matter.

I never hit my 365 poems goal, but that's okay, 158 isn't anything to shake a stick at.

I'm 57 days till I have a new child. I'm excited. 

I'll try to post again soon.
