
Saturday, August 31, 2013


Morning mist looming 
Breaking wavering sunbeams
Hot tea is calling

Warning: The following contains no poetry.  You have been warned.

Today is Saturday, August 31.  Today has been a long day.  My daughter decided she wanted to wake up at 5am and so I went to be a dad for a few hours and let my wife sleep. 

When my wife woke up, we started on the cleaning process in my daughters room.  We took all of her summer clothes and exchanged them with winter ones.  We will take all of her old clothes to this local children's exchange.  These places are awesome.  We bring in old clothes and toys, then the store gives us either cash or credit toward other purchases in the store.  I now have two bags of clothes and a box of toys to take to the exchange.

 My wife and I intended to go to the park with my daughter, but the weather was terrible most of the day.  So we stayed at home and play blocks with my daughter.  We ate blue cheese hamburgers, which my daughter loved. 

Today was a good day, all things considered. 

Till tomorrow,


Friday, August 30, 2013


Crisp air that transforms
The frolicking summer fun
To Harvest delight

Warning: The following contains no poetry.

Today is Friday, August 30th.  The week has been exceptionally long, but in the United States, today starts, what I feel, is the last weekend of summer.  However, summer is relative.  Instead of 65 degrees Fahrenheit and raining, it will now be 55 degrees and raining.  However, I digress.  The last weekend of summer is upon us, and what is my family going to doing...we are going to clean.  Clean out all of the summer clothes and change it out for winter clothes. 

I look forward to this every year.  I know what you are thinking, "Wow Thomas, get a life," but truly this is when the fun happens.  I'll start to pack away all the spring/summer things and bring out the fall/winter items. 

One of those items is Halloween. My family really loves Halloween and dressing my daughter up as things that we are fond of.  In the past she was Princess Leia and Boo from Monster's Inc.  This year she told us what/who she wanted to be.  So in addition to cleaning, this weekend my wife and I will be making Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic."

I am looking forward to it.  As we create the costume, I'll try to post pictures of the costume.

Enjoy the last weekend of summer.

Till tomorrow,



Thursday, August 29, 2013

76 - Computers Frustrate Me

Computer Error
Remove Hard drive and reset
Insert Money Here

I am not a Luddite, but sometimes the world would be better off without computers.  Today was supposed to be an easy day.  I had an appliance repair person coming to my house today, sometime between 10am and midnight, so I new my day was shot anyways.  I had hoped to get some work done while my daughter was taking her nap and I was waiting for the repair man.

Against all norms, not only did the repair man show up on time, but he took one look at my dishwasher, giggled a few buttons (I had already giggled these buttons, but...), looked at me and said, "Machines Fine, thanks for doing business with me."  Gave me the bill, I signed for it, and he left happy for the five minutes of work and hundreds of dollars that he was going to be paid (mind you, I rent, so...).

I was pretty happy.  What I expected to be a long arduous problem, was done in a jiffy.  So I made my daughter lunch and then put her down for her nap. Life was good.  That is until I opened my computer.

I have a love/hate relationship with this machine.  I know all its quirks (which there are many), and I do not want to learn another computers issues.  This computer will do...most days.  Today was not one of those days.  

First, the internet would not work.  So I puttered around with my modem and after about 30 minutes, it started to work again.  Then my computer fan made a lovely noise that reminded me of a helicopter taking off.  I opened up my Task Manager and I had a million tasks occurring that was taking up 99% of my memory.  2 gigs of memory being taken up with documents.  Readers, this computer is not a gaming computer.  The most tasking thing this computer does is run Excel workbooks.  What in gods name is taking up 2 gigs of memory.  

Fast forward 2 hours.  After cleaning up about 10 gigs of documents, cleaning my temporary files, and removing some programs that I haven't used in 3 years, the computer is once again happy with me...for now.

I do not know what it is about computers that both excite me and frustrate me at the same time.  Computer code is simple and beautiful, but sometimes I believe that it is not written with 1's and 0's as we are led to believe, but rather a series of three consecutive 6's.

So this is to date, my longest post.  I am hoping that more of my posts are like this: a poem featuring either my own musings or a prompt from places like Haiku Height's  and a quick update on my day or feature of my life.

Let me know if there is something specific anyone is interested in.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Incorrect coding
Combined words and musings all.
Damn HTML 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Haiku Heights Prompt #272

Today's haiku is courtesy of Haiku Heights. This is Haiku number 74. I hope you enjoy the poem.

Soaring Silent flights, 
Now dives to abyssal depth, 
Nightly guardian. 

I truly appreciate sites like Haiku Heights that give each of us a chance to read each others poetry and in some cases, give voice to the desire to create.

 Today has been a difficult day for me in writing. My real world job doesn't allow me much time to think, but it does allow me a glimpse into other peoples life. I was hoping for that today. However, after driving steadily for an hour to an appointment, I got stopped by our state's Transportation Department. An accident occurred and the road that I was riving on was closed till further notice. So, dejected I returned home. Things like this happen all the time and for me they are creative blackholes.

Hope you enjoy the poem.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Getting up to date

In order to get back up to date, this post will pretty long. Readers, please bear with me.



Crackled glass scattered
Parts askew without remorse
Grass rustles jolly.


Circles winding down
Grasping awkward devices
Against awe struck need


A cunning linguist
Eschews most liquid courage
Alas ambrosia.


The wild rogue wanders
Roughshod over wanton souls
Raindrops drill slowly.


Music calls the ear
Through major chords spirit lifts
Minor keys atune


Wavering motions
Symphonic illustrations 
Be little the mind


Nationally proud
Forgetting dividing thoughts 
Forgiving each other


High heels, lacing strung
Corseted lovely, Beauty.
A lucky fellow.


Shoe shopping at night
Wincing, flinching...Beautiful?
Is it worth the price?


Want to rule the word?
Apply inside for details.


Glazed spectacles
Glaring a cold dominance
Bemoan arrogance

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Upon autumn winds
Cascading colors orange and red
Winter is coming.


Rubber mats smell bad
Brittle, crunching substance
Great to fall upon.


One child's laughter 
Engages the all senses
Like one child's cry.

Minute in the life of an author

Warning: This is not a poem.

So, I live in the Redwoods of Northern California. They are beautiful but they have two problems: they are logistically far from everywhere and everyone; I am allergic to them. So for the last three hours I, and my family, have been driving for my business, not writing, and to visit with family. As of writing this, we still have about an hour of driving left. We decided to pull over and eat. While watching m family eat, I noticed that my daughter, who is a toddler is a trooper. We do this trip at least a couple of times a month and she never yells or complains. I am smiling right now because I know it won't last. Sigh oh well.

59- Fresh part 2

Continuing on yesterday's Haiku Heights prompt "fresh."

Running, laughing wild
River misting craggy rocks
Satisfying life.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

58- FRESH Part 1

I just ran across a blog called Haiku Heights.  They have prompts that you can respond to.  I thought it would be nice to respond to those prompts for the next couple of days.  I will probably continue to respond to as many of these prompts as I can find time to do so.  This will also help in keeping my daily haiku's coming.

Enjoy these "fresh?" haiku's.

Waking early morn
Chirping , rustling, lively ones
What is for Breakfast

Inspired by the theme at

Monday, August 19, 2013


Blackberries ripen
Bitter sweetness condensing
Cars puff unknowing


Whispering grass blades
Dueling rappers fencing
The man sips his tea.


All time crawls slowly
Through the minds of one and all
Butterflies flitter.


Twilight harkens to life.
Shadows deep, shades of gray,
Relish husbands and wives.
Darkness reigns, souls at bay.

Moonlight sharpens senses,
Heightens pure sensations,
Caressing lovers arms,
Proving all provocations.

Twilight's beauty seduces,
Dawns witness, Loki smiles,
Nothing but memories.
Daytime remains, deniles.

What moon brings, sun changes;
Smiles fade, luck betrays.


Away From all distress,
The lonely hearts progress
Through all estranging moods
From which longing eschews.

Abutting thoughts confess
Feelings strangled, compressed.
Ones prevailing moreys
Compare the hearts of strays.

Us, alone, divided
Search for those responded,
Willing each, another,
Minds, souls, hearts aflutter.

Complete, heart's home found
Each in one; combined, bound.

Friday, August 9, 2013


Tribulations end
When sufferers quit their trials
Smiles find faces.


Light of day dawns cold
When mountainous seasons turn
Winter is coming


Grasses cling to ray
In sunshine dabbled forests
While pariahs stare.


Bubbles of laughter
Pealing soundly through the air
While quiet cold arms grasp.


Softly falls the night
Curtailing dark actions all
While mankind destroys.


The murder of crows 
Call catastrophic voices all
While children sleep deep